performance > APPLY!Ĥ> (not 100% sure if this helped towards the actual problem, but it certainly smoothed out a lot for me) in Nvidia CP, i changed the physx settings to my gpu. So, after some heavy googling and youtubing, i eventually solved BOTH issuesĢ> go to chrome://flags - DISABLE smooth scrolling, relaunch browser, go back to flags, now ENABLE smooth scrolling and relaunch browser.ģ> go to your Nvidia CP > manage 3d settings > global settings tab > turn Vertical sync OFF > set Texture filtering Quality to HIGH PERFORMANCE > set Power Management Mode to Prefer max. I have tried to update my chrome, gpu (gtx 980), firefox and adobe flash, but no success. buuut, the same 'resolution change' happens also when i choose to set videos to 1080p on i.e youtube. Important note: i thought this would be a Media Player Classic (since that is my preferred media player), so i decided to run the same clips on VLC, which actually worked fine.